Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
Life groups are where we connect as family. It’s where we learn, encourage and do ministry. It’s our desire that you get connected in a group to encourage and be encourage as we support one another. You can join a group anytime they are meeting. For more information or if you have other questions please contact our life group leader Paul Forbat at: pforbat@abundantlifesimi.com
LED Groups are small groups that aim to shine light in the local community, in obedience to
Christ’s command to “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works
and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). In many ways they may resemble life
groups, home Bible studies, support groups, etc., but are distinct in that as a group (rather than
as individual members) they also act to display charity in tangible ways to individuals and
groups not connected to a Bible-believing Christian fellowship.
LED abbreviates “Light Emitting Diode,” a fitting picture of the light Christ commands us to
shine. Compared to a candle, or even an incandescent bulb, an LED is highly efficient, longer
lasting, and brighter—all desirable traits for LED Groups. It also makes for a memorable
acronym to highlight LED Groups’ three most important activities: Learn, Encourage, and Do.
Christ’s command to “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works
and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). In many ways they may resemble life
groups, home Bible studies, support groups, etc., but are distinct in that as a group (rather than
as individual members) they also act to display charity in tangible ways to individuals and
groups not connected to a Bible-believing Christian fellowship.
LED abbreviates “Light Emitting Diode,” a fitting picture of the light Christ commands us to
shine. Compared to a candle, or even an incandescent bulb, an LED is highly efficient, longer
lasting, and brighter—all desirable traits for LED Groups. It also makes for a memorable
acronym to highlight LED Groups’ three most important activities: Learn, Encourage, and Do.

1. Learn. Together the group will study scriptures to promote spiritual development of its
members, especially regarding Christian lifestyle and witness. Discussion should be
practical more than philosophical or theological, although there may be overlap. Since
participants will be at different places in their spiritual journeys, the moderator serves
to lead discussion so all can meaningfully engage at their individual level of spiritual
2. Encourage. Each group will look out for the needs of its members, whether for prayer,
fellowship, compassion, a kind word, and when appropriate, exhortation. To facilitate
this mutual support, Abundant Life Church Simi Valley is developing a new app to help
group members stay connected between meetings. (All information shared is to be kept
confidential within the group.) The group host serves to coordinate group care.
3. Do. Each group, as the members become acquainted, will seek for ways to display
charity within the community. To the maximum extent possible, LED Group activities
should involve all its members in some capacity and be accomplished using the LED
Group’s own means or with funds raised by the LED Group. (If tax-deductible donations
are involved, funds can be given to the church and disbursement coordinated by the
members, especially regarding Christian lifestyle and witness. Discussion should be
practical more than philosophical or theological, although there may be overlap. Since
participants will be at different places in their spiritual journeys, the moderator serves
to lead discussion so all can meaningfully engage at their individual level of spiritual
2. Encourage. Each group will look out for the needs of its members, whether for prayer,
fellowship, compassion, a kind word, and when appropriate, exhortation. To facilitate
this mutual support, Abundant Life Church Simi Valley is developing a new app to help
group members stay connected between meetings. (All information shared is to be kept
confidential within the group.) The group host serves to coordinate group care.
3. Do. Each group, as the members become acquainted, will seek for ways to display
charity within the community. To the maximum extent possible, LED Group activities
should involve all its members in some capacity and be accomplished using the LED
Group’s own means or with funds raised by the LED Group. (If tax-deductible donations
are involved, funds can be given to the church and disbursement coordinated by the
We'd love to get you connected to a small LED group in your area. Fill out the form below to get started.
LED groups help people grow in their faith and build community. Our groups take place throughout the week in different neighborhoods, so use this form to find a group that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!